Friday, May 13, 2005

What not to do - Avoid the most common traits of a failing CEO

My thanks this month to fellow TEC (The Executive Committee) chairman and resource Glen Waring of Columbus, Ohio, who, after more than 3,000 individual chief executive officer conferences and 400 all-day meetings with them, has identified nine distinctive CEO failure patterns:

Friday, March 18, 2005

Executives shouldn’t take - Find the balance between home and work

Making an executive’s marriage work … How about this for a touchy subject? And yet, is any subject more relevant in today’s complex and demanding executive management environment? My thanks this month to Dr. Ken Druck, a The Executive Committee (TEC) speaker and consulting psychologist, for his experience and insights on this subject. Nothing here, quite frankly, is mind-boggling. It’s common sense.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Build a great brand

Branding? Yee-haw! A cattle issue? I don’t think so.
How well do you think your branding iron is working to draw attention to you rather than a competitor’s brand? What is a brand and how does it work to provide an important source of business value?

My thanks this month to a couple of The Executive Committee (TEC) experts on the subject—Duane Knapp and Wisconsin’s own Tryg Jacobson, neither of whom deals with cattle.