Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Convey confidence in an uncertain economic climate

You can learn a lot about your employees by studying how they react to stressful situations. No doubt, in this economic climate, they are learning a lot about you, too. Marketwatch recently named Amazon’s Jeff Bezos as their CEO of the Year for 2011, “for his imagination, his long-term focus and his sheer optimism in the face of the most uncertain of economic times.”

Your behavior in a crisis defines your ability to lead. So what messages are you sending your team? Here are a few reminders help you really lead by example.

Keep Calm
Remember, you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. When you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it’s very easy to get run down. Keep your health in check, both physically and emotionally, and schedule stress-relieving activities as you would any other appointment. In addition to helping you perform your duties better, a well-rested and positive leader puts everyone at ease.

Maintain balance
We all know the importance of keeping the channels of communication open. But during an economic downturn, it can be hard to be honest with your teams without inciting panic. Keep your reporting truthful enough to encourage ownness without placing blame. Worry is a distraction that can spread like wildfire. Do your best to keep it contained and extinguished through mindful communication.

Be a support, find support
When your team faces a challenge, you start to get to know everyone’s strengths a little better. Use this as an opportunity to lead. Offer training to those who demonstrate skills in areas your organization could use. Be visible around the office on a daily basis and accessible to anyone who needs help. Just as you show support, remember that your team is a good source of support. Tap into the expertise around you and seek out their suggestions.

Perhaps more than any other time in our lives, the past five years have been a testing ground for CEOs. Setting the tone through confident decision-making and adopting a calm demeanor can keep the whole company functioning at it’s best.

What are you doing to instill calm and confidence around the office?

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