Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From stagnation to creation! Innovation to increase business success.

Recently, Fast Company released The 100 Most Creative People in Business 2011. At the top of the list are visionary leaders who have demonstrated great innovation and creativity in their organizations and career. While the list’s front-runners are from organizations where creativity and innovation are part of the job description, their approach can be used as a model for opportunities for your organization no matter the industry.

But how does one win the title of most creative in business? How do you keep your vision for your future fresh in your mind each day? What do you do when you need creative inspiration? Here are a few things you can do in your day-to-day routine to help keep the creative juices flowing.

Read a book. Reading keeps your mind stimulated and active in thought. Whether the book is fiction or business related, you are exercising your brain in a different way by concentrating on only one thing.

Take a vacation. Vacations, especially ones in nature, feel like a stop in time. This break in your routine allows you to relax so that you are refreshed and excited about an idea, instead of overwhelmed.

Volunteer in the community. Volunteering allows you to meet new people and see things from a different perspective in addition to benefitting your community. Taking time out of your normal routine to hear a stranger's story can be very rewarding and stimulating to the mind.

Call an old friend. Sometimes talking out an idea with someone you trust and care about can be the push you need to move forward with a project. Call a friend or family member to chat, even if it's not related to your idea.

What do you do when you need inspiration? We'd love to hear about your experiences. Share with us your story of someone or something that inspired you!

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