Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to maintain appropriate office humor
In a previous blog post, we discussed that appropriate office humor relieves stress, enhances creativity and creates happier employees. However, the term appropriate is different to everyone. What seems innocent and funny to one person may be extremely offensive to another. While fostering a jovial environment is important to fostering a “team that plays together stays together” attitude, as a leader it is your responsibility to ensure that the culture doesn’t evolve into an acceptance of offensive comments.

Here are ways to create a light-hearted, yet appropriate, working environment for your team.

Set the tone. It is important that there are guidelines in place so that employees understand what is expected of their work behavior. Check with your human resources department to see where these documents are located and share them with your employees. Guidelines should list examples of appropriate and inappropriate comments and the policies your company has in place to address any issues.

Respond appropriately. Pay attention to team dynamics and take note of non-verbal cues to signify that an employee is uncomfortable in a situation. Monitor jokes and conversation and gently step in if the topic is veering toward sensitive issues. Remind your team that your door is always open to discuss any concerns and encourage them to contact your human resources department.

Inspire others. Let your actions be a positive example to your team and never engage in sensitive subject conversations. Rather than stepping out when your team begins joking around, join them and be a positive example of appropriate conversation.

What is the most challenging aspect of ensuring that office humor doesn’t cross the line?

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