Thursday, November 3, 2011

CEO Behavior Sets the Tone for the Entire Enterprise

It’s tempting to dismiss clichés such as, “actions speak louder than words”, but in a leadership role, it’s vital to understand that your personal and corporate behavior will influence your entire organization.

Now, we’re not going to state the obvious about engaging in illegal or inappropriate activities that will put the company at risk. The behavior we want to focus on here is more subtle. We’re not telling you to change your lifestyle, just to remain aware that small things can make a big difference in the way you influence group behavior.

As a leader, you want and expect the respect of those around you. With that respect comes responsibility, as those who look to you for behavioral signals will – naturally – follow your lead.

  • Do you expect your employees to remain positive, excited to be at work? Then you must appear positive and excited by way of motivation.
  • What are your values as a company? The words that you want others to use when describing your company should also describe the way you conduct your daily business. 
  • Are you actively involved in the daily business of all departments? Don’t micromanage, but remain available and communicate openly, transparently.
  • What do you want your company to have their sights set on? Make sure you are focusing on that same goal in your own work. 

It’s the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The way you perform and the expectations you have of the group are vital to the culture of your organization. Make sure to meet or exceed the expectations you place on others’ performance.

Remember, people are watching. Yes, part of leadership is about making decisions for the company, but you can also help individuals make positive decisions by managing your own words and behavior for a positive outcome.

Actions DO speak louder than words, so show – don’t just tell. 

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